Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's been a while since I've written on the blog. I find myself very busy teaching Sunday bible study at my congregation, teaching the authority class at my house and monthly preaching. This is, of course, in addition to the raising a large family and traveling every week.

Our authority class most recently spent a couple of weeks talking about authority and edification. The book concentrated on edification through teaching and the church's role. We discussed the pattern and role of the church. We also showed that congregations have the right to separate individuals according to many criteria to allow maximum spiritual growth. We briefly digressed and studied elders and deacons and their roles. All of our attendees belong to congregations that do not have elders.

We need to ensure that we don't get complacent by not seeking elders and deacons. To be properly organized IAW scripture is to have these leadership positions. However, we don't appoint unqualified men to fulfill the role just to have them.

Next week we will be studying authority and benevolence. We will see that this is one of the most misunderstood concepts and brings about many emotional arguments from people when discussing this issue.